
Bar Mitzvah Maamar App


When a boy turns 13, he becomes Bar Mitzvah. For generations, learning the Bar Mitzvah Maamar has been the way an aspiring Chabad Chossid prepares for his new-found status and responsibilities.

The Bar Mitzvah Maamar 'Issa B'Midrash Tillim' was first recited by the Rebbe Rashab (the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe) on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. It was also one of the Maamarim recited by the Rabbe Rayatz (the Previous Rebbe) when he reached the milestone. Reciting this inspirational Maamar has become an indispensable custom for Lubavitch boys who are now entering the next stage of their religious journey.


This revolutionary app was developed by Rabbi Menachem Sabbach, Managing Director of Bar Mitzvah Online. After years of working closely with Bar Mitzvah boys and their families, we have identified the key elements to aid the Bar Mitzvah boy while learning and reviewing the Maamar.

The primary focus of this app is to provide each Bar Mitzvah boy with a structured, outlined learning program that is tailored to his unique needs. The App personalises the learning so that the Bar Mitzvah boy can achieve his own goals at his own pace. The advanced features allow the flexibility to not only learn the Maamer by heart completely or partially, but just as importantly, to gain an intellectual understanding of the inspiring concepts therein.

The Maamar itself gives us an uplifting spiritual message about the mitzvah of Tefillin and the connection of every Jew with The Creator. The sublime, holy text is imbued with deep concepts and parables. This app was designed as a tool to promote better understanding and to facilitate review of the Maamar.

We hope that by using this App, the Maamar will become more accessible; easing the Bar Mitzvah preparations for the Bar Mitzvah boy, his family and teachers. It is important to note that however effective this app is for the student, it should not replace the valuable interaction a student has with a parent or teacher. Rather, the App aims to give boys a convenient, structured way to maintain their studies between formal lessons with an instructor.

The Bar Mitzvah Maamar App has already been used by numerous boys with great success and has received enthusiastic support from leading Rabbonim. We are thrilled to make this revolutionary technology available to the next generation of Chabad Chassidim.

Download the App today and see for yourself how this incredible innovation will enhance the Bar Mitzvah experience for your son, and connect him with this time-honoured tradition instituted by our Rebbeim.

It is our hope that all our Bar Mitzvah boys will be showered with blessings from Above, with the ultimate reward of Moshiach, speedily in our days.

Questions? Comments?

Please drop us a line. We thrive on your feedback,
and our development team are constantly working to update, improve and add new and exciting features to this app.

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